From wags to whiskers, feathers and hooves
they'll always be a part
For with them our lives are richly blessed
with those pawprints on our hearts

© Christina aka Stina

Wags 2 Whiskers is a fun friendship group of people who love their furbabies. Whether they are four-legged, feathered, have hooves, horns or fins - all animals are a precious gift to treasure!
If you would like to join us, please stop by Wags 2 Whiskers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wag'n Tails - Moon

I so love me!
In the morning, I get to crawl into a lovely, big warm bed. If I don't get my morning cuddles from mummy, well how can you expect me to start my day?
It all seems the same but I don't care.
Can I ever have too many naps during the day? I don't think so. I can sleep anywhere - the couch, my lovely sheepskin, in the bed with my head lovingly nuzzled into mummy's pillow. Even in the computer room, curled up on daddy's chair if I must, just so I can be near mummy.
If I'm lucky, some days I get a special trip.
When mummy gets my leash off the hook, I just know it's going to be one of those days! Yay for me! And my new carrier - I can see everything out the side now. No more yucky plastic bars for this kitty! Oh I love to go visiting with my 'nanny'. She feeds me, gives me pats & even lets me sleep in her linen cupboard. I try not to scratch the couch, though I swear it calls my name sometimes. Those days, I sure get in trouble but if I'm good (how could I not be?) I get to go visiting again:)
Oh is there any better time of the day than dinner time?
I'm fast & quick. Sometimes, I have to remind mummy when to feed me. None of this late dinner stuff - if it's 5, it's dinner time! I always sit & wait like a good boy but it's so hard. Mmmmm I wonder what I'm getting tonight?
I am so spoilt!
My sissy doesn't get as many cuddles as I do, but I am the baby. She runs & hides - how can I get cuddles if I do that? You would think she'd know how the cuddle thing works by now. All I have to do is sit there, meow, rub a few knees & I'm in for the evening. I can lay on the couch & snuggle up as long as I want to.
Well, at least until mummy & daddy go to bed.
Then it's play time!
Ooooo what can I break tonight?
I so rule this place!


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