From wags to whiskers, feathers and hooves
they'll always be a part
For with them our lives are richly blessed
with those pawprints on our hearts

© Christina aka Stina

Wags 2 Whiskers is a fun friendship group of people who love their furbabies. Whether they are four-legged, feathered, have hooves, horns or fins - all animals are a precious gift to treasure!
If you would like to join us, please stop by Wags 2 Whiskers

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wag'n Tails - Dusty

Dear Mom,
It seems like a long time since I sat down to write.  Ever since you gave me up for adoption, my life has been one of survival.  Please don't feel guilty, I know you had no choice, but some days are just worse than others I guess.
The poodle in this household can't control himself.  The humans call him Merlin, but I call him "Murray the monster".  I can't walk around here in peace any more.  He seems to think that my appearance in a room means I'm there for a chase!  I must say though, it's helping me keep my youthful figure.  Can you believe it's been six years already when I was born!
Zar, the king size dog, is still my favorite one in the house.  At least he greets me with a tail wag & doesn't slobber on me if he comes close.
Ren, the hairless dog I told you about, is getting old and blind.  I've been having great fun pouncing on her while she's asleep in her basket.  Sort of makes me feel better watching her jump and snarl.  Of course I have to get out of the way after doing so, 'cause one of the humans or the "Monster" always get after me for doing it.
The old cat, Spook, still lives...amazing!  He must be 100 years old by now.  I can almost hear his bones creaking!
I'm just thankful the horse is too big to come indoors.  Can you imagine what that would be like!!!
Well, I've gotta go.  Got lots of washing to do.  Gotta keep myself presentable you know.

Oh and I have a new cat toy I have to bat around and make noise with, but I'm saving that until the humans have gone to bed.  That'll tick them off....
Your loving daughter
3rd in the litter of 7

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