From wags to whiskers, feathers and hooves
they'll always be a part
For with them our lives are richly blessed
with those pawprints on our hearts

© Christina aka Stina

Wags 2 Whiskers is a fun friendship group of people who love their furbabies. Whether they are four-legged, feathered, have hooves, horns or fins - all animals are a precious gift to treasure!
If you would like to join us, please stop by Wags 2 Whiskers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wag'n Tails - Bobbi

Hi RaRa,
Sounds like you know how to get to your mommy,
My name is Mickey and I think we should get together.
I like to go outside and run all over the yard.
But Samson will do you one better, he will dig up the yard and get it really muddy for you.  '
I like to break my runner chain and get away from here sometimes.
But Samson can go out in the evening without a chain. Lucky dog, Well, he is a goody two shoes, that is why he gets privileges, he will work for brownie points and then because he doesn't run away he gets to stay outside and run around.
Not me though, you might say I am the bad boy in this house.  I got away one night at  about 2 AM and went to the graveyard next door to our house,(cool place)  and didn't come home for an hour or s0 and  I was laying under a tree up on the hill from the house looking down at home and Mom and dad were arguing and mom got in the car and came looking for me.  I heard her call for me so I came over to the church parking lot and started to play a game  with her. She doesn't like my games at 3 AM. Especially not in the  So cool.. After about 5 times of mom getting out of the car and walking over to me to get me in the car and me running away she kept saying "get in this car now! " Well she finally gave up and let me win the game so I got to follow her car back down over the hill to our driveway.  She was so loving to me when she got me in the house and Dad said "You said you wanted to give him away now look what you did. "  Well she had to admit that she loved me and didn't want to give me away after all. Even though I bite her sometimes, I was touched. I slept so good that night while mom lay awake in pain from being out in the cold to get me.
So Rara, if you want to come over , we can sneak out and go next door to the graveyard to play.  Mom won't walk up the hill through the woods at night and that is why she went to find me in the car. Now if she would have left that car turned of I may have got closer and got in. But she said she was cold.


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