From wags to whiskers, feathers and hooves
they'll always be a part
For with them our lives are richly blessed
with those pawprints on our hearts

© Christina aka Stina

Wags 2 Whiskers is a fun friendship group of people who love their furbabies. Whether they are four-legged, feathered, have hooves, horns or fins - all animals are a precious gift to treasure!
If you would like to join us, please stop by Wags 2 Whiskers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wag'n Tails - Moon

I so love me!
In the morning, I get to crawl into a lovely, big warm bed. If I don't get my morning cuddles from mummy, well how can you expect me to start my day?
It all seems the same but I don't care.
Can I ever have too many naps during the day? I don't think so. I can sleep anywhere - the couch, my lovely sheepskin, in the bed with my head lovingly nuzzled into mummy's pillow. Even in the computer room, curled up on daddy's chair if I must, just so I can be near mummy.
If I'm lucky, some days I get a special trip.
When mummy gets my leash off the hook, I just know it's going to be one of those days! Yay for me! And my new carrier - I can see everything out the side now. No more yucky plastic bars for this kitty! Oh I love to go visiting with my 'nanny'. She feeds me, gives me pats & even lets me sleep in her linen cupboard. I try not to scratch the couch, though I swear it calls my name sometimes. Those days, I sure get in trouble but if I'm good (how could I not be?) I get to go visiting again:)
Oh is there any better time of the day than dinner time?
I'm fast & quick. Sometimes, I have to remind mummy when to feed me. None of this late dinner stuff - if it's 5, it's dinner time! I always sit & wait like a good boy but it's so hard. Mmmmm I wonder what I'm getting tonight?
I am so spoilt!
My sissy doesn't get as many cuddles as I do, but I am the baby. She runs & hides - how can I get cuddles if I do that? You would think she'd know how the cuddle thing works by now. All I have to do is sit there, meow, rub a few knees & I'm in for the evening. I can lay on the couch & snuggle up as long as I want to.
Well, at least until mummy & daddy go to bed.
Then it's play time!
Ooooo what can I break tonight?
I so rule this place!


Wag'n Tails - Bobbi

Hello all of you Petlovers,
My Mom is one of your members.
Everyone in this house has had a chance to speak their mind but me.
Well it is my turn. My name is Duke Samson Zermane, duke for royalty. I am not the youngest fur man in this house but I do get treated that way. I turned 3 years old in January. I am a quiet puppy well, okay dog. I just like to sit around and be nice and wait for things to happen. Thing do happen. As mommy would say "life Happens" hehe. 
I am finally able to get mommy off this computer long enough to write something to you. As I  sit here typing my mommy is rubbing my head, ohhhh yes, rub it some more. I love that,.Hey mom get my other shoulder now.   Ewww yes, that is so special.  Can I give you kisses. No why not, I love my mommy. Ha ha, I got you mommy, I love to give sloppy kisses to my mommy.
Well anyway, Mickey is tearing up his bed now He grabs it and throws it around makes dust fly. Mommy just vacuumed the floor too.
I have 4 sibling pets and a mommy and a daddy. My real Mommy and Daddy were Cocker spaniels   too and that makes a real bred Cocker Spaniel but they say I am special because my Mommy and Daddy were different colors and I came out Chocolate and white with chocolate freckles. I am a pretty boy and I know it. Of course my mommy and daddy tell me that all the time,. when they aren't calling me Samson.  Other time they call me Sam when they aren't yelling at me because I  run off.
  But I always come back home. Mickey now, that is different, he has it made in this house but he stays away for hours if he gets off his leash.
He even lost his license and rabies tag so he is not allowed to drive any more. So mommy keeps him tied on his chain and when he goes in the car he usually goes in the back seat, Only us licensed pups are allowed to be in the front seat where the driver sits. But I usually sit in back with Mickey so he isn't lonely. See I am an easy to get along with dog,
I know mommy and daddy won't give me away. I just let gas and mommy and daddy and Mickey don't like it. lol ha-ha. Mickey is barking at me to leave the room but I say he can leave the room. I think Mommy is fixin' to leave and Daddy already did.  Woooo!
While everyone else is out of the room,I will let you in on a secret if you promise not to tell anyone I said this.
Mickey was such a bad puppy that when he 6 months old he had already went through 3 homes and was homeless and trying not to get shot by the last Daddy.  So my Mommy and Daddy decided to give him a home.  They rescued him, now this was before my time and it might be hearsay but I did hear them say, he was abused.
 He now bites Mommy and Daddy when they try to take their cell phones or shoes or other stuff that is not his back from him. He even tries to bite Mommy when she gets in bed. They think he is scared from his abuse so they will keep him just to save him from being killed elsewhere.  I think he is just a spoiled brat. He is only 2 since January and remember I am 3 and I came to live  with them one year ago on the 18th of April.  
 I have calmed him down some. I am bigger than him and he thought they brought in "the big guns" when I arrived and you might say that is true.  I am training him to be a dog. See we know we are not humans and we have dog people and cat people for parents. They don't feed us off  the table, we only get carrots and apples sometimes. We get our regular dog food with no red dye. Mickey has an allergy and he needs good dog food.  So Mommy and Daddy go to Sam's club and bye the good  stuff with Lamb and rice and peas and veggies. and it is yummy. They also get us treats but only Chicken treats now since they don't know if Mickey is allergic to beef. 
Well now I want to say a few words about the cats, my 2 sisters and 1 brother.
Beebee is about  7 yrs old  and she is jet black. They called her Beebee because she is a big brat, she is so stuck up since I came to the house and won't play with any of us. Mommy says it is because she is old and tired. She calls her Black Beauty but I know the true story of the B's .Well, it takes one to know one. lol Sorry Mom, oops don't tell her I said that. Anyway, after Beebee there is Angel, a tortoiseshell color,and she is about 5 yrs old,   I think., She is very sweet and will play but her and Mickey are best buddies and I don't get to play too much when we are outside because she runs away.
Tony is a Blue point Siamese and thinks he is royalty, hey his name isn't Duke Samson nope that is me.
So I think that says it all. I am royalty not him. hehe.
Tony is about 4 yrs old I think. Cannot think right now but anyway, I can ask Mom or Dad later if you really want to know.
Mickey gets Tony in a choke hold and Tony asks for more. He has an ear infection right now so mommy has to put drops in his ears every day. She does mine once a week but every day, whoa! I hate the feel of that stuff in my ears.
When I try to get  in on the playing Daddy yells "Stop it" and says "Mickey and Tony are playing so don't scare him."   Well, if Mickey doesn't scare him when he clamps his teeth on his head how could I scare him. Mommy doesn't like it when Mickey plays rough with Tony, but Tony asks for it. He bugs Mickey until he starts on him.
I guess I have finally had my say on this family  so I will not boar you anymore.  Just wait until Mickey hears that I was writing for so long.  He is asleep now so he doesn't know what I am doing.  He gets so jealous of me.  If I want to sit with mommy or Daddy he has to come sit with them too.  I do it to him too, but I am not jealous, Nope, not me.
Mommy is coming and she wants to play on the computer with her paint shop pro so I have to go back outside and watch Daddy clean up the yard. I can give him some new stuff to clean up too. ha-ha.
Wow, Daddy just came in and brought Mickey's tags to mommy, he found them when he was raking the yard.  He lost them in November before the snow came. Darn it now he can drive the car again.  He should still sit in back with me.
Bye for now,
Sir Duke Samson of Zermane 

Wag'n Tails - Jayne

Hi Stina and everyone,
My name is Missy and I live with my mummy and her new hubby, as well seven other cats, including my real daddy and my brothers.
My mummy will tell you I'm a very special kitty because I nearly died when I was a baby.  If it hadn't been for my mummy's friend back then, who hand fed me every two hours, I wouldn't have made it.  I've turned into a very beautiful cat, even if I do say so myself. I'm very petire, unlike my stinky brothers and I have long grey and white fur. I think the curls in my ears are especially cute.  I love to lick myself clean and if mummy lets me, I like to lick her face too,.  She keeps complaining about my rough tonque, but I think she should feel honored that I am grooming her.
Let me tell you, it's not easy being the only girl cat around here!  I get upset sometimes when my stinky brother, Bandit, stares at me and I have to hiss and screech at him and mummy comes to make him stop. My younger brother, Baggie, likes to chase me sometimes, which isn't fun. I hiss and screech at him and mummy comes and makes him stop.
I'm getting my new daddy trained - each morning he gives me a saucer of milk, but it takes several minutes of me reminding him, by winding around his feet while he's making his morning coffee and meowing loudly at him.  Eventually he takes the hint and gets the saucer out.  If I plan it right, I can get mummy to give me some milk before she goes to work, and then get daddy to give me some more milk when he gets up!
My birthday is at the beginning of March and I and  four of my brothers will be 8. I don't like having to share the birthday party, but mummy and daddy try to make sure we all get a special treat on our birthday. Uncle Merlin and Uncle Panther don't  know when their birthday is, so they get to choose when they have their party, but that's okay because they share their treats too.
Oh well, time for my nap now, before mummy comes home from work.

Wag'n Tails - Bobbi

Hi RaRa,
Sounds like you know how to get to your mommy,
My name is Mickey and I think we should get together.
I like to go outside and run all over the yard.
But Samson will do you one better, he will dig up the yard and get it really muddy for you.  '
I like to break my runner chain and get away from here sometimes.
But Samson can go out in the evening without a chain. Lucky dog, Well, he is a goody two shoes, that is why he gets privileges, he will work for brownie points and then because he doesn't run away he gets to stay outside and run around.
Not me though, you might say I am the bad boy in this house.  I got away one night at  about 2 AM and went to the graveyard next door to our house,(cool place)  and didn't come home for an hour or s0 and  I was laying under a tree up on the hill from the house looking down at home and Mom and dad were arguing and mom got in the car and came looking for me.  I heard her call for me so I came over to the church parking lot and started to play a game  with her. She doesn't like my games at 3 AM. Especially not in the  So cool.. After about 5 times of mom getting out of the car and walking over to me to get me in the car and me running away she kept saying "get in this car now! " Well she finally gave up and let me win the game so I got to follow her car back down over the hill to our driveway.  She was so loving to me when she got me in the house and Dad said "You said you wanted to give him away now look what you did. "  Well she had to admit that she loved me and didn't want to give me away after all. Even though I bite her sometimes, I was touched. I slept so good that night while mom lay awake in pain from being out in the cold to get me.
So Rara, if you want to come over , we can sneak out and go next door to the graveyard to play.  Mom won't walk up the hill through the woods at night and that is why she went to find me in the car. Now if she would have left that car turned of I may have got closer and got in. But she said she was cold.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

A message from Stina and Ciara...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Birthdays

We have TWO birthdays this month!
So please join us in celebrating with

Angel's Westie - 1st April
(name not known yet)


Ciara - 28th April
(Stina's owner)

A big Happy Wag'n Birthday to you both!

If your pet's birthday falls within this month, please let me know and I will add them. If you do not know when your pet's birthday is (as some are not known, I know) then just do what I did with my previous pooch - choose the date (or month) they came to live with you. Because in a sense that IS their birthday - when their lives truly began.

Woofs n' meows
Stina and Tootypup

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wag'n Tails - Stina

Dear Human Friends,
Firstly...let me make one thing perfectly clear. I AM HUMAN! I don't think I'm human - I KNOW I'm human!
1. I do not live outside - because I'm human;
2.  I do not sleep outside - because I'm human;
3. I do not sleep in a kennel - because I'm human;
4. I do not sleep on a doggy bed (perish the thought) - because I'm human;
5. I do not eat dog food - because I'm human;
6. I DO live indoors - because I'm human;
7. I DO sleep indoors - because I'm human;
8. I DO share my bed with mummy and daddy - because I'm human and I'm their CHILD;
9. I am kind enough to share the couch with everyone - because I'm human;
10. I DO eat REAL food like chicken fillets, steak and sausages - because I'm human;
11. I love the car - because I'm human;
12. I love people - because I'm human;
13. All visitors that come to this house come to see ME - because I'm human and this is MY house;
14. And I can write this to you - because I'm human!! we make ourselves clear??  We understand each other then?  I AM NOT A DOG - I AM HUMAN. I even have a human name.  Not Fifi, Rover or Fido. My name is Ciara.  A human name.  I am even the crowned princess of this palace - HRH Lady Princess Ciara is my full title - but you can just call me Ciara.
Now if I WERE a dog I would be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. I am 3 years old - turning 4 this month - YAY! Happy birthday to me!
I love everything and everyone!  Although I don't like baths and mummy so kindly gave me one today, then threatened me with another because now I smell like Pinetarsol which is yukky, but I still don't want another bath.  What I DO want is the car!  Car is friend.  I go everywhere in the car.  Mummy goes to the shops, I go too.  Mummy goes collecting brochures, I go too.  Mummy goes Avon delivering, I go too. See the car is MINE too!  Mummy is my chauffeur. I sit in the back just as all royalty does and I simply lap it up.  *sigh* I love the car.
My favourite colour is RED! I love everything red.  Even MY car is red! Although my other car is blue the one I ride in the most is red.  Red is fun!  Mummy bought me a sausage dog that squeaks and it is RED!  I love it! I bite it and chew it and pull its ears off and then the's so much fun!  And all the while it squeaks.  I even have a chicken that has a removable belly which is also red, but why would I want to to remove the belly?  One, it's red, and two, it has a squeaker in there too! And I love squeaky things!  I have lots of toys, most of which are red....but I love rope!  Mummy and I play rope and the time and I tug and tug at it and growl, but it's just fun.  I would never hurt mummy.  Daddy plays tug with me too with my Kong Wubba toy and even my chicken.  He grabs one end in his mouth just like me, and I grab the other and we tug and pull and see who wins.  It's so much fun!!
Dinners are always exciting at my place.  Although I'm a tad confused as to when dinner time is now that daylight savings has ended. Mummy gives me chicken, rice and veges and they are so yum!!  She even sprinkles some liver sprinkles on top!  YUMMO!  And if mummy forgets to close the sliding door to the main part of the house, I usually manage to sneak in and stretch out on MY bed.  Always like a nap after dinner.  Mummy tries to coax me off but I just roll over on my back for bellyrubs and say "Aren't I cute mum?"  And then, mummy serves dinner for her and daddy and I'm off the bed in a flash!  I go from mummy to daddy at the table, hoping for titbits.  Their dinner always smells so yum.  I usually stick my head under daddy's arm and poke my nose through to spy what's on his plate.  *sigh* Gotta love me!
And then at the end of the day, I'm exhausted!  I try and tell mummy when it's bedtime but she's usually busy, so I take myself off to bed if she has left the door open.  But after a while it's not the same without mummy I get up again and come and see if she's ready yet. She usually isn't and I end up napping at her feet. But the moment she moves, I'm up like a flash!  She always takes me out for a last pee of the night, but with the grass as long as it is, I'm reluctant to trek through that jungle.  Sometimes she carries me to the shorter grass but I just turn round and run back down the steps again....prancing over the longer grass.  Mummy puts her hands on her hips and calls me a little minx. hehehe But she wuvs me. After all, how can you resist me?
Then we climb into bed.  I hardly give mummy a chance to get comfy when I'm up on the bed and between her legs with my head on her thigh - it's a comfy pillow my furry friends....mark my word - try it, you'll see!  And then she has the audacity to wriggle and fidget while I, HRH Lady Princess Ciara, am trying to sleep!  Doesn't she know this is MY bed and I am kind enough to allow her to sleep there?  What a fidget she can be...I have give her a kick now and then just to remind her who's boss. And when she's moving into MY personal space.  Us Princesses need our space when sleeping. We like to stretch out.  I just wish mummy would remember that sometimes...sheesh! It really is tough training these humans, isn't it?
Anyway...I must go. Royal duties to attend to and all... Catch ya all soon!

Wag'n Tails - Dusty

Dear Mom,
It seems like a long time since I sat down to write.  Ever since you gave me up for adoption, my life has been one of survival.  Please don't feel guilty, I know you had no choice, but some days are just worse than others I guess.
The poodle in this household can't control himself.  The humans call him Merlin, but I call him "Murray the monster".  I can't walk around here in peace any more.  He seems to think that my appearance in a room means I'm there for a chase!  I must say though, it's helping me keep my youthful figure.  Can you believe it's been six years already when I was born!
Zar, the king size dog, is still my favorite one in the house.  At least he greets me with a tail wag & doesn't slobber on me if he comes close.
Ren, the hairless dog I told you about, is getting old and blind.  I've been having great fun pouncing on her while she's asleep in her basket.  Sort of makes me feel better watching her jump and snarl.  Of course I have to get out of the way after doing so, 'cause one of the humans or the "Monster" always get after me for doing it.
The old cat, Spook, still lives...amazing!  He must be 100 years old by now.  I can almost hear his bones creaking!
I'm just thankful the horse is too big to come indoors.  Can you imagine what that would be like!!!
Well, I've gotta go.  Got lots of washing to do.  Gotta keep myself presentable you know.

Oh and I have a new cat toy I have to bat around and make noise with, but I'm saving that until the humans have gone to bed.  That'll tick them off....
Your loving daughter
3rd in the litter of 7